How To Find Your Groove.

Do you have a groove?

What is the thing that makes you feel happy and at peace with yourself?

Take a minute and have a think about your individual grooveWe believe that your groove can be anything that moves you. It could be dancing to your favourite music or could be a hobby such as gardening, a leisurely activity or a sport. Research into hobbies has shown that having a one is sensible thing and can keep us healthy and happy whilst relieving stress. It wouldn’t surprise us if people that have a good groove or a hobby live longer too as it gives them purpose

We love music . . .

As you may have guessed we love music and dancing and we like to get the tunes pumping while we drive along.

Let’s face it, if you live in a big city you will probably be sitting in traffic at some point of your journey.

So…. Try not to get stressed, there is a radio in front of you, switch it on! You know you want to…..

What is your favourite station?

Can you find a good upbeat radio station and set  it to a preset button?CAr radio

Is it Heart fm? How about Kiss fm?

Let us know via our social networks eith on Facebook or Twitter by saying:

 ‘I love’ followed by your favourite station. Get involved, join the fun and let us know you are out there!

A perfect Day!

In 2015 Old Men Grooving took part in an online advertising campaign for Citroën called ‘a perfect day’ the aim was to show various people from all walks of life engaging it activities that they love. As you know we have a love to dance and share our love for the groove.

We like to believe that you are never to old and a groove a day will certainly keep you happy and can improve you overall well being.

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